A large number of reports where featured in the news this week:
DWs World Drilling & Production Market Forecast 2016-2022 was referenced:
“Approximately 70 offshore development wells should be drilled annually in Brazil until 2018. Since then, the trend is that this number will fall substantially, reaching 41 wells in 2022. The estimate is from the DW analyst Matt Cook.”
DW’s recently released World Oilfield Equipment Market Forecast 2016-2020 was featured in the news this week:
“Onshore growth will be offset by developments offshore, where the story is less promising. Offshore OFE is expected to decline from $67bn to $43bn between 2016 and 2020, due to a significant drop in project sanctioning and an oversupply of drilling units.”
The World Oilfield Services Market Forecast 2016-2020 was also in the news:
“The downturn in the OFS sector may bottom this year, researchers with Douglas-Westwood said. According to their calculations, OFS capital expenditures should increase 10% year/year between 2016 and 2020, reading $186 billion in 2020.”
NaturalGasIntel.com 17/10/2016
An article on the World FLNG Market Forecast 2017-2022 was featured on Offshore Magazine’s website:
“Despite concerns over the fall in LNG spot prices and the lack of sanctioning for new floating liquefaction projects, capex on FLNG units will total $41.6 billion over the period of 2016-2022. Liquefaction units will account for 59% of expenditure – totaling $24.7 billion.”
Offshore-Mag.com 14/10/2016
The World LNG Market Forecast 2017-2021 was also in the news this week:
“The LNG industry is undergoing a dramatic transformation. North American activity is driving a return to growth in global capital expenditure. A wave of new LNG carrier newbuilds will also be required to support a huge increase in traded base-load LNG volumes.”
OGFJ.com 17/10/2016
4-Traders.com 19/10/2016
LNGIndustry.com 20/10/2016
Another report in the news this week was the North Sea Decommissioning Market Forecast 2016-2040
“One area where the potential for innovation and competition has been repeatedly highlighted is in heavy lift vessels for decommissioning activity. The cost of hiring vessels is one of the main drivers of spend, according to analysis from Douglas-Westwood.”
AdjacentOilandGas.co.uk 21/10/2016
Douglas-Westwood’s World Deepwater Market Forecast 2016-2020 also featured in the news:
“Despite the extended nature of the current downturn, Douglas-Westwood (DW) has identified increased deepwater expenditure in basins away from the traditional areas of West Africa, Brazil, and the US Gulf.”
BriskTrading.net 20/10/2016
This week’s DW Monday was referenced on a number of sites:
“As DW noted recently, due to the significant potential the pre-salt fields offer, many international E&P companies are expected to vie for a slice of the substantial pie – Shell has previously commented on the nation’s need to open up to foreign investment.”
OffshorePost.com 17/10/2016
PennEnergy.com 17/10/2016
OSJOnline.com 18/10/2016
OffshoreEnergyToday.com 19/10/2016
ShaleMarkets.com 19/10/2016
OilandGasPeople.com 20/10/2016