This week saw the release of a Petroleum Review article by John Westwood as well as a very popular DW Monday which has appeared on a number of different websites.
An article by John Westwood was featured in this month’s issue of Petroleum Review this week (see attached):
“Between 2000 and 2013, oil prices grew by 281% and industry expenditure by 283%, but oil and gas production grew only 24%. In other words, more and more money was being spent for less production and less return on investment.”
Douglas-Westwood’s new World Downstream Maintenance Market Forecast 2015-2019 appeared in the news again this week:
“Global spending on downstream maintenance projects is set to hit $322bn by 2019, according to energy analyst firm, Douglas-Westwood.”
ArabianOilandGas.com 31/05/2015
Asahi.com 01/06/2015
News.Jorudan.co.jp 01/06/2015
The World Drilling & Production Market Forecast 2015-2021 was referenced in an article that appeared on the Society of Petroleum Engineers website this week:
“Of the world’s current oil demand of approximately 93 million BOPD, some 27 million BOPD comes from offshore fields and this is expected to continue to grow according to Douglas-Westwood’s World Drilling & Production Market Forecast 2005-2021.”
The latest DW Monday, which featured the World Drilling & Production Market Forecast 2015-2021 received a lot of attention this week:
“In the latest World Drilling & Production Forecast, DW predict combined oil & gas production from such fields will grow 7.7% year-on-year over 2015-2021 from 6.5 mboe/d to 10.2 mboe/d.”
Offshore-Mag.com 01/06/2015
Petro.No 01/06/2015
Noodls.com 01/06/2015
OEDigital.com 01/06/2015
OGFJ.com 01/06/2015
EPMag.com 02/06/2015
HellenicShippingNews.com 02/06/2015
BunkerPortsNews.com 02/06/2015
NGV.Ru 02/06/2015
OilPubs.com 03/06/2015
Longau.com 03/06/2015