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In the News, March 20 2015

By March 20, 2015September 7th, 2022No Comments

DW in the NewsThis email seems to be growing every week and it is busy once again with many quotes attributed to DW as well as a number of articles on the Floating Production Market Forecast:


Director Steve Robertson was quoted in an article on decommissioning FPSOs this week:

“Steve Robertson, Director at Douglas-Westwood, has pointed out that each FPSO is uniquely designed to produce a field that itself has a unique set of production characteristics.” 16/03/2015 The challenge looms: decommissioning floating structures

Jason Waldie was also quoted this week in an article on the Greek oil and Gas sector:

“Sharing these views, another analyst at Douglas-Westwood, Jason Waldie, forecast that exploration activity would not pick up for another two years.” 16/03/2015 Fallen oil prices to ‘hold back investment plans for Greece’

Thom Payne spoke at the Asian Offshore Support Journal Subsea conference and was quoted in an article about it:

“Stressing that data could vary under uncertain market conditions, Mr Payne said that Douglas Westwood projects subsea spend will only expand in 2018 with a recovery in oil prices, after peaking in 2015 at US$50.6 billion.” 20/03/2015 Uncertainty over Indonesian and Australian projects

Voyageur Investor Minerals used DW reference in their January 2015 Investor Fact Sheet that has just been posted online:

“Oil and Gas development wells drilled worldwide need to exceed 106,000 per year by 2020.” 16/03/2015 VIM Fact Sheet 2015 

The World Floating Production Market Forecast was mentioned in another article this week:

Such observation was shared by DW’s  Balwinder Rangi, who said; “the outlook this year for orders is poor … [with] declining number of orders for 2015 and subsequent installation decline in 2018.” 14/03/2015 Slow year ahead for floating production as industry downturn bites


Brazilian publication Jornal do Commercio also referenced the Floating Production report:

“The year 2017 will also have growth in investment in new production platforms. So says a report by the British consultancy Douglas-Westwood” 16/03/2015 Marcia Peltier : directors Crisis


Brazilian organisation The Centre for Excellence in EPC also featured the Floating Production Market Forecast on their site:

“Latin America will receive about 30% of the 110 units under construction representing 32% of total investment. Africa represents 22% of the investment and Europe 15%.” 11/03/2015 Growing investment in oil production platforms


Easy Subsea had the article in their news section: 17/03/2015 Growing investment in oil production platforms


An Angolan news site also had a story on the report:

“The annual value of investments in the construction of oil production platforms should increase 12 billion dollars in 2015 to 21 billion dollars in 2017, a decrease in 2019 to 17 billion dollars.” 17/03/2015 Growing investments in platforms


That was not the only Angolan site to feature the news either: 18/03/2015 Growing investments in platforms


The investment analyst who used the floating production report to give a positive view of SBM continued to generate news articles this week (In Dutch):

“In addition, Douglas-Westwood as Theodoor Gilissen says that although there are a number of projects has been postponed, there are very few cancelled.” 12-03-2015 Positive report gives support to SBM

This week’s DW Monday appeared on a number of websites, including Rigzone:

“Douglas-Westwood, UK’s energy business strategy, research and commercial due-diligence services provider, commented on “Offshore Accommodation Market – A Focus on Welfare.” 16/03/2015 Douglas-Westwood: ‘Offshore Accommodation Market – A Focus on Welfare’


Offshore Mag also featured DW Monday:

“However, if oil prices remain at their current level, it is questionable whether welfare will be sacrificed in favor of accommodation units with lower day rates, DW suggests. The choice could depend on the operator’s preferences and regional regulations.” 16/03/2015 Offshore accommodation growth set fair, report claims


Offshore Energy Today had the news as well and featured it in their daily email:

“The global offshore accommodation market has seen significant growth over the past five years, with PoB requirements increasing by 27% between 2009 and 2014, Douglas Westwood, writes in its “DW Monday” report.” 16/03/2015 DW: Wi-Fi, good food on flotels boost worker efficiency


Hellenic Shipping News was another to feature DW Monday:

“The global offshore accommodation market has seen significant growth over the past five years, with PoB requirements increasing by 27% between 2009 and 2014.” 16/03/2015 Offshore Accommodation Market – A Focus on Welfare