Deconstructing Decom: What, When and Who

October 3, 2024 - October 3, 2024

Thursday 3rd October 2024, The Chester Hotel, Aberdeen

Join Westwood’s Northwest Europe and Offshore Energy Services teams for an overview of oil and gas decommissioning. With UK capital investment sentiment at an all-time low, decommissioning is looming. We will look at the big questions facing the industry – what fields and hubs are expected to cease in the near-term, who are the operators and what are the opportunities? We will also look at supply and demand trends and challenges for rigs, vessels, components and services, considering global competition from the oil and gas and renewable sectors.


08:30 – 09:15
Registration and breakfast

09:15 – 09:30
Introduction and scene setter

09:30 – 10:10
UK Decommissioning Demand: What is coming, when will it happen and who are the operators?

  • UK production outlook and forecasting when fields will cease
  • What are the hubs ceasing and what is the associated infrastructure and wells
  • Who is leading the charge? The operators and their activities

10:10 – 10:30
Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:10
UK Decommissioning Supply: Meeting the decommissioning demand, current sector position, future trends and challenges

  • Rig availability and trends. Current market overview and outlook for future. The challenges facing the sector to meet UK decommissioning demand
  • Subsea sector overview and outlook. Subsea services supply e.g. vessels
  • Competition for services. Where else is there demand for supply chain services?

11:10 – 11:30
Q&A and Networking


Speakers / Attending